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18 articles tagged as “app”:
Am I able to take measurements multiple times a day?
Can I turn on/off my notifications on the Well@Home app?
Do I have to fill in my questionnaire in one go?
Does it matter whether I use my left or right arm to measure my blood pressure?
How can I confirm I've answered a questionnaire correctly?
I am asked to turn on my Bluetooth at all times, isn’t this battery consuming?
Is the application supported by Android?
Is there a difference between the app and the website?
Privacy policy
Should I log in every time I use the app?
Should I open the app in order to take measurements?
Someone filled out the questionnaire instead of me, what should I do?
Someone other than me accidentally took measurements, can I delete those or what should I do?
The device won’t connect to the phone
What to do if I have a new phone number?
Where can I answer diary questions?
Where can I answer questionnaires?
Why don’t I have a password?